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My Story

 I grew up in the Northwest Region of the USA, planted just between the Puget Sound and the North Cascade mountain range.  Mentored by a family with an affliction for outdoor recreation, my love affair with the outdoors started at an early age.  Whether it was snowboarding, wakeboarding, mountain biking, windsurfing, hiking, rock climbing or even just climbing a tree, every free moment was spent outside, exploring the gifts of the Northwest.

After graduating early with a B.A. in Environmental Economics feeling uncertain as to a satisfying career path, I accepted a job managing a local kiteboard shop.  Following a two-year introduction to the kiteboard industry, I couldn’t wait to travel to some of the best kiteboarding spots in the world.  I was hooked.  I then moved to Hood River, Oregon, the epicenter of kiteboarding in the NW, but found that I needed to explore further.  So as fall came near, I headed off with my older brother to discover the NE coastline of Brazil and with the help of my amazing sponsors, haven’t stopped since.

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